Guy Lassausaie dans un verger

Meeting with Guy Lassausaie

We went to meet Guy Lassausaie, starred chef and MOF. He created a signature dish for Lafont. We took the opportunity to ask him some questions!

Lafont: what are the values of the brand for you?

Lafont is above all a quality product. The materials are very resistant and comfortable, and for some time now, the creative side has been added to make you want to wear your uniform in a different way. You need something that looks like the boss.

For a long time, I wore a traditional outfit that matched what I was doing, but over time, when you master your technique, you find your personality. The clothing must also have a personality to match. With Lafont, I find the framework of the historical professional garment, we do not start on unstructured things, exactly like in the kitchen. I need roots, a base, and then I work around it without distorting the product.

How did you live this experience?

Creating a recipe for Lafont amused and interested me, as it was an unusual and local challenge with two neighboring companies, Lafont and Huilerie Beaujolaise. It is also a battle against myself.

With Lafont, I find the framework of the historical professional garment, we do not start on unstructured things, exactly like in the kitchen.

Guy Lassausaie

Guy Lassausaie

Best worker of France in 1993, Guy imposed himself with brio even though his personality did not predestine him to occupy the top of the bill. His creative talent, his rigor and his perseverance in a profession that requires excellence quickly earned him the recognition of his peers.

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