Meeting with Hervé Mons

We went to meet Hervé Mons, MOF Cheese Maker. He created a signature dish for Lafont. We took the opportunity to ask him some questions!

Lafont: what does the brand represent for you?

Lafont is a brand that I have known for a very long time because in my family, there were carpenters and joiners, who wore blue overalls and a ribbed jacket.
For me, the workwear is made of a strong fabric that follows the gestures of the craftsman, it gives him amplitude. You can count on him to do his job well, there are ruler pockets, pencil pockets, I love it. The first jacket I bought for myself was the Lafont corduroy jacket, which was very solidly made and was a bit of a Sunday best. After wearing it for so long, it has become part of my body shape, I never leave it, it is part of my life. Quality has a price and I’m not rich enough to buy bad quality, they say in Auvergne! For me, Lafont symbolizes the trades in the philosophy of the Compagnonnage or MOF, the rigor, the way of being which makes that all must show on us without being seen.

How did you live this experience?

When Lafont asked me to take part in the game, I immediately thought of the Fourme de Montbrison, a cheese that has been rooted in my region for centuries, to draw a parallel with this regional company, which has been making timeless, indestructible clothing for almost 180 years.

Lafont symbolizes the trades in the philosophy of the compagnonnage or MOF, the rigor, the way of being that makes everything must show on us without being seen.

Hervé Mons

Hervé Mons

It seems like a long time ago that Hervé Mons' father used to set up his stalls on the markets of Roanne. Today, the man who became Meilleur Ouvrier de France in 2000 is with his brother at the head of a company of 80 employees that exports its cheeses all over the world.

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Hervé Mons’ signature dish for Lafont

It blends in well with the landscape.
Imposing, with a raw appearance, the Fourme de Montbrison with its cylindrical and monolithic shape reminds us of the rocks that make up the wild scenery of the Hautes-Chaumes plateau.

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